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Sunday 10 February 2013

Beauty terms - I'm confused!!!??!!

As I delve deeper and deeper into the world of beauty I feel I have discovered a new language with the amount of terms/words used that I have no idea what they mean. I thought I would give you a quick run down of a few terms I have learned to date...

Pigment [pig-muhnt] noun a colouring matter or substance.
Now I have obviously heard of the word pigment before, however it's not in my usual daily vocab. Since watcing vlogs and reading blogs I have found the word pigment is used continuously to confirm how much colour is in a product. E.g "this new Mac lipstick is sooooo pigmented".

Doe foot applicator [doe foo t ap-li-key-ter] consists of a very small, fuzzy piece of foam on a long stem to be used in a lip product (normally lipgloss).
A totally new one to me I had no idea what this was until I looked it up! Who came up with this name very strange???? Why not another other animal foot...stag foot, horse foot, cow foot etc??

Kabuki brush [Ka-boo-key brush] A make up brush that offers full coverage with a wide range of make up.
I had seen this brush before however, I was unsure of what I would use it for. I have recently bought a pot of BareMinerals Original SPF15 Click Lock Foundation Bare Escentuals (review coming soon) therefore, one of these brushes would be perfect. Can anyone recommend a good make that I should buy?

There are only a few terms here but as I discover more I shall report back! What is the strangest beauty term / words you have heard?

Thursday 7 February 2013

Painting the town red, blue, green, yellow, pink, lilac...

As you can tell by the title of this blog I love Barry M nail paints. I used to have quite short nails - yes I will admit it I used it bite my nails eek! Since I was able to grow them 2 years ago I have gone a bit mad with nail colours especially, my favourite Barry M! They have an amazing high shine colour range, are long lasting and are incredibly affordable (often boots do an offer on buying 2 colours for a discounted price). The colours are vibrant and I get so many comments about my nails when I wear any of them. Recently I have been wearing 306 Blueberry however, going into spring I am looking forward to wearing 296 Coral.

Now, although I have quite a few nail pains (the ones pictures are only a sample) I still have yet to try any Barry M Nail effect paints. I'm not too keen of the crackle effect however, I'm really intrigued to try the Gelly, Magnetic and Chameleon to see these effects click here. I also am interested in Barry Ms make up range which I have never tried but I have heard good reviews. Can anyone recommend what products to try first? Also what other nail paint products can you recommend? What nail colours are you currently wearing? What do you think are going to be the colours to wear this summer? What are your thoughts on Barry M?

So many questions!!!

Sunday 3 February 2013

Review: Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish

I know I'm late to the party with this one but the first new beauty product I have purchased is the Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser.  I have seen rave reviews about this product on a lot of blogs therefore, thought I would give it a go. I bought the 100ml Starter kit which includes the cleanser, 2 pure muslin cloths and a nifty little bag. It retails at £14.25 which is a bit more expensive than my normal skin care regime however, I thought I'd give it a whirl.

So how do you use the cleaner...simply you pump a small amount of cleanser on your fingers & apply onto dry skin in small circular movements. Massage thoroughly all over your face and neck (be careful round your eyes!). Rinse the muslin cloth in hand hot water and wring out so damp. Then rub the cloth over your face and neck using a finger to get to those more tricky parts. Then simply splash your face with cool water.

The results are amazing!!!! I can defiently see what all the fuss is about! The cleanser left my face feeling so soft and clean. It contains rosemary, chamomile, cocoa butter & eucalyptus essential oil which smells so refreshing and incredible. I can have slightly senstive skin at times so was concerned it may not be good for me but, this was not the case. Having spoken to others that use the product who have eczema they have confirmed it was perfect for their skin and could actually see an improvement. My favourite time to use this product is after a long day at work when I am tired & exhausted. After cleansing my face it really revives my skin and makes me feel refreshed.

The more I spoke of this product to friends the more I realised how many people use this product & love it as much as I do. They also spoke about Liz Earle as a Company and how they often throw in a little freebie when you purchase from their website! I bought from John Lewis as their postage & packaging was slightly cheaper (literally by pence) however, going forward I am defiently going to purchase directly from the Liz Earles website. I also want to try their Instant boost skin tonic, skin repair moisturiser, eye treatments & face masks which, I have added to my expanding product must haves! So many products so little money!!!!

I really do recommend this product for people with any skin types. It's defiently going to be something I purchase again & again & have as part of my staple skin care routine.

What are your experiences with Liz Earle products? How long have you been using them? What can you recommend is my next beauty product must haves?

Buy items from the new I'mperfection collection here on the Liz Earle Website

Saturday 2 February 2013

In the beginning...

So here we go...

Hi! This is styles and tribulations the place to come if you want to see a first time blogger discovering the world of beauty. If you're here as you want to get style tips from a make up artist on how to create a masterpiece on your face then step away from the computer now. This blog is not for you! I am a complete novice starting from the very beginning.

So why did I start this blog? For a while I have been feeling I need a hobby which I get excited and passionate about. I have struggled to come up with an interest that held my attention for more than a month. For example last month I wanted to be a cake baker. This went well until I realised that when you make cakes they have to go somewhere - not so great for the figure. Therefore, goodbye baking :(.

 I have been reading blogs mainly on beauty reviews. I feel I have entered into a world that I never knew about. I have been kicking myself on why I have failed to use all these amazing websites and information to learn more about products. I'm not joking but 2 weeks ago I had never heard of Nars (I know, I know - sorry!) There began the idea of Styles and diary into all things beauty!

I hope you enjoy my little blog. Please do leave me comments (only nice ones thanks) also please do subscribe - you know you want to!